End of Year Report 2023

As 2023 comes to a close we would like to thank those who have trusted us to walk with them through their dark nights - carrying one another’s burdens, rejoicing with those that rejoice, weeping with those who weep. It has been our honor to sit with you in those dark places, to remind you of the Father’s loving presence, to bring understanding to your struggles, and to be a point of connection for you in the loneliness. 

To the churches that have trusted us with referrals, with preaching, and with training of your leaders, thank you. It is a joy to partner with you. 

To those who have sacrificed much to pay full-price, private pay for help, thank you. Your sacrifice has not only blessed you on your journey, but has blessed others as we have been able to give scholarships to many who are unable to afford care themselves. 

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

There is hope. There is healing. There is connection.