There is Hope for You

At the deepest core of our being, we believe that there is hope for you

We believe there is hope for your hurt and for your fear. 

We believe there is hope for your sadness and for your anger. 
We believe there is hope for your anxiety and your depression.

We believe there is hope for your sin and for your struggle.

We believe there is hope for you and for your relationships. 

We believe there is hope because we've experienced it ourselves. 

As christian counselors we root our care of others in the hope and connection that is offered us in Jesus Christ and in one another. We believe that healing comes through the process of knowing and being known.

Our care is offered with clinical training and biblical faithfulness and we'd love to hear your story and offer that care to you. 

We have spent significant time in our own counseling, seeking healing and connection and each of us have sat with people who have lost every sense of hope and seen the life restored to their eyes as they began to believe there is hope too.